To promote quality education in art for all Wyoming students through the advancement of the secondary state art symposium, teacher in-service, communication and professional development.


 WSAEA was incorporated under the Wyoming Non-profit Corporation Act on April 13, 1990. A copy of the Constitution and Bylaws may be obtained from one of the officers upon request.  The elected officers are President, President-Elect, Secretary, Secretary Elect, Treasurer and Treasurer Elect.  The President-Elect succeeds the President the following year, and the Past President attends the meetings of the officers and remains actively involved as an advisor the subsequent year. Secretary and Treasurer are two-year positions, elected and in-training the first year.  Nominations are held during the Spring business meeting. Committees are generally filled voluntarily by sign up sheets at this meeting.

General membership business meetings are in the fall and in the spring. The Fall Conference provides teacher in-service, communication and professional development activities. The Spring business meeting is held for symposium committee reports, evaluations, nomination, election of officers, appointment of new committee chairpersons and volunteer committee sign up.   Officers meet once in the summer to plan the Fall Conference and once in the winter to plan the Symposium.

WSAEA is currently a member of the Wyoming High School Activities Association (WHSAA).   The current WSAEA voting membership dues are $15.00: renewed each year at Symposium Registration. You must be a member of WSAEA and your school must be a member of WHSAA (paying the art activity dues) to show student art work at Symposium. General business expenses are covered primarily by membership dues. Symposium expenses and the six WSAEA Scholarships are funded by entry fees, raffle sales (raffle prizes are teacher donated original art work), cash donations and corporate sponsorships or grants.